萨克拉门托地区走上经济增长的创新之路:国会女议员Doris Matsui领导科技中心在萨克拉门托州建立ZEV创新资产的努力

Greater Sacramento

Tesla, Rivian, Lion Electric, Bosch, 西门子和Volektra承诺成为萨克拉门托地区技术中心指定的领先行业合作伙伴


Sacramento, CA – 萨克拉门托地区正在朝着塑造其未来的经济格局迈出重要的一步. The Greater Sacramento Economic Council (GSEC)在国会女议员Doris Matsui (CA-07)富有远见的领导下,提交了官方十大网投网址局(EDA)技术中心计划的申请。. 这项合作努力的目的是在萨克拉门托州立大学校园内建立一个零排放汽车(ZEV)创新资产, 引领可持续增长的新时代,应对气候变化的紧迫挑战,同时为未来的前沿行业创造就业机会.

Leading industry voices are at the table engaged in this partnership including Tesla, Bosch, Rivian, Lion Electric Co, Siemens and Volektra. 这些领先的电动汽车公司期待着与萨克拉门托地区合作,建立一个技术中心,并将州首府地区建设成为电动汽车的领导者.

Consortium partners include Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD), Sacramento State, Sacramento Employment Training Agency, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, Growth Factory, Greater Sacramento Urban League, California Manufacturers & Technology Association, CALSTART, Valley Vision, University of California, Davis, and California Forward.

技术中心计划是一项官方十大网投网址倡议,是CHIPS和科学法案的一部分. 该计划将在全国范围内创建至少20个区域性技术中心,以帮助加强一个地区的制造能力, commercialize, and deploy critical technologies.

2020年6月,萨克拉门托国会女议员多丽丝·松井(Doris Matsui)与共和党众议员奥巴马(奥巴马)一起提出了最初的CHIPS法案. Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Senators John Cornyn (R-TX) and Mark Warner (D-VA). She was a leader in Congress working to ensure the CHIPS and Science Act passed last year. As part of that effort, 她成功地获得了520亿美元,以促进高科技制造业,并重申美国在关键的半导体行业的领导地位. She has been a national leader as the legislation is being enacted, 为萨克拉门托地区发声,并与商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimundo)合作,确保该法案的项目顺利推出.

“The CHIPS Act took two years of hard work to come to fruition, and now I am laser focused on ensuring our region gets its slice of the pie,” said Congresswoman Matsui. “The Sacramento region has long been a hub of innovation and forward-thinking, and the Tech Hub program is a real opportunity to build on this strong foundation. 该项目体现了我们对可持续官方十大网投网址的承诺,并使我们处于清洁能源革命的前沿. By fostering collaboration between academia, industry, and government, we are charting a course toward a greener and more prosperous future for our community.”

随着世界应对气候变化和向可持续能源解决方案过渡的迫切需要, 在萨克拉门托地区建立ZEV创新资产是未来移动行业向前迈出的关键一步.

Sacramento State President Luke Wood shared his enthusiasm for the initiative.

“我们的校园一直致力于促进创新和教育,推动积极的变化, 特别是当它涉及到气候变化和帮助我们服务不足的社区的个人,” he said. “ZEV创新资产与我们的使命无缝结合,为学生提供无与伦比的机会,参与尖端技术,同时为可持续发展的未来做出贡献. 我们期待着继续与GSEC和国会女议员多丽丝·松井(Doris Matsui)合作,确保我们的地区成为后代指定的科技中心.”

The Greater Sacramento Economic Council President and CEO, Barry Broome, emphasized the significance of this proposal for the region’s economic growth. “The Sacramento region has a unique opportunity to lead in the ZEV and clean energy sectors. This initiative will not only attract investment and create jobs, but also position our region as a global player in sustainable technology and innovation, while combating climate change. 这为我们服务不足的社区提供了创造更多高薪工作的机会,并有助于提升我们的工程学校.

“We’re thrilled by the prospect of a designated tech hub right here in the Sacramento region,” said Paul Lau, CEO & General Manager of SMUD. “这一举措与我们到2030年在电力供应中实现零碳排放的使命无缝契合. By fostering innovation, collaboration and education in the realm of sustainable technology, this tech hub will play a pivotal role in accelerating our efforts towards a cleaner, greener future. We look forward to working hand-in-hand with Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Sacramento State and other partners to make this vision a reality.”

EDA技术中心项目的申请强调了萨克拉门托地区对促进创新的承诺, driving economic growth, and addressing the imperative challenge of climate change. The collaboration between Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Sacramento State, 大萨克拉门托经济委员会(Greater Sacramento Economic Council)为推动未来交通和可持续技术的公私合作树立了强有力的先例.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Michelle Willard
Chief Public Affairs Officer
(916) 287-9072

George Hatamiya
Senior Advisor & Communications Director
Office of Congresswoman Doris Matsui
(916) 201-5412


About the Greater Sacramento Economic Council

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. The organization spearheads community-led direction to retain, attract, grow and scale tradable sectors, develop advanced industries and create jobs and investment throughout a six-county region. Greater Sacramento represents a collaboration between local and state governments, market leaders, influencers and stakeholders, with the sole mission of driving inclusive economic growth. 大萨克拉门托地区以发现为基础,以领导力为基础,以创新为动力.

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