Clutch,一家女性拥有的企业,在Rancho Cordova揭开了新总部的面纱

Greater Sacramento


这家由女性领导的公司计划雇佣数百名新员工,并与新的加速器合作 & Fund, MinervaVerse

Rancho Cordova, CA — Clutch, 一家领先的女性拥有的企业,专门为私营和公共部门提供咨询服务, 宣布将在十大网投官方入口首府兰乔·科尔多瓦设立新总部. 以在不同学科提供获奖支持而闻名, 自2019年成立以来,Clutch的员工人数迅速增长到目前的140人, with plans to hire more than 600 individuals by 2027.

“We are thrilled to call Rancho Cordova our new home,” Rachel Zillner, CEO and Co-founder of Clutch said. “这一举措不仅代表了实体扩张,也是对该地区不可思议的人才和创新的投资. 我们也期待着推出女性支持的创业加速器和孵化器MinervaVerse.”

Clutch的联合创始人安妮·德斯卡佐(Anne Descalzo)也有类似的看法, “Clutch一直致力于打破障碍,促进创业多元化,” Descalzo said. “我们的新总部也将成为与Clutch紧密合作的创新中心, 使我们能够推动女性创始人和企业家向前发展.”

The Greater Sacramento Economic Council 协助该公司从加利福尼亚州获得1,100万美元的十大网投官方入口竞争补助金, 加强对促进本地区经济增长的承诺. 这项重大投资强调了离合器致力于扩大其足迹,并对当地社区和官方十大网投网址产生重大影响.

“Clutch致力于支持女性和传统上不受支持的企业家,这与我们对繁荣和包容性经济的愿景完全一致,” Greater Sacramento Economic Council President and CEO, Barry Broome said. 随着我们在公司内部发展多元化经济和创业生态系统,关注女性创始人的重要性至关重要. 离合器的存在的影响将感受到整个萨克拉门托地区, fostering a more robust startup ecosystem.”

Clutch will occupy 2/3 of the space in the building and the first floor will be the coworking space: Frequency Coworking (and events space) and MinervaVerse; VC fund, accelerator, and incubator (coming in 2025).

Clutch will be the primary tenant moving into the 78,000 square feet of office space at 3249 Quality Dr. in Rancho Cordova, Frequency Coworking和底层的活动空间以及未来的MinervaVerse空间都将加入其中. The capital expenditure is approximately $1.5 million with this new investment.

“We are proud to welcome Clutch to the City of Rancho Cordova,” said Micah Runner, City Manager of Rancho Cordova. “Clutch决定在Rancho Cordova扎根,这证明了这座城市作为商业创新中心的吸引力越来越大,500 businesses that employ a growing workforce of 65,000+. We look forward to the positive impact this pioneering, 女性拥有的企业将对我们的社区和大萨克拉门托地区产生影响.”

Clutch很荣幸被《十大网投官方入口》评为增长最快的公司, 这证明了它在运营的各个方面都追求卓越和创新.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Christine Braziel Mahon
Chief Communications Officer

Michelle Willard
Chief Public Affairs Officer
(916) 287-9072

About the Greater Sacramento Economic Council

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. 该组织带头以社区为导向,以留住、吸引、 grow and scale tradable sectors, 在六县区域内发展先进产业,创造就业和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方和州政府、市场领导者、 influencers 以及利益相关者,他们的唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. 大萨克拉门托地区建立在发现的基础上,建立在 leadership and fueled by innovation. 

About Clutch
Clutch是一家女性拥有的商业服务咨询公司,致力于帮助客户在公共和私营部门取得成功. Headquartered in the Sacramento area, 离合器的人才团队提供跨多个学科屡获殊荣的支持, including communications and marketing, IT and data analytics, event production, strategic planning, business process improvement, and more. Co-founded by two renowned banking and credit union leaders, 离合器以价值观为本,以人为本,为员工创造无与伦比的体验, clients, and partners. 作为萨克拉门托商业杂志在萨克拉门托地区发展最快的公司, Clutch continues to scale to support clients at the local, state, and federal level.

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